Monday, January 31, 2011

Me, Myself and Chaos

     I have been clinically diagnosed with adult ADD.  I leave off the H because there is nothing hyperactive about me.  Aside from hyperfocussing, but we'll get to that later. 
     Lot's of people tell me that they also believe that they have ADD. I wonder when we were all struck with symptoms of such an up and coming epidemic. I was never diagnosed as a child although after a few tests and a look back on my entire personal life a psychologist made it very clear that I was indeed a child with Attention Deficiet Disorder. It certainly explains a lot. So aside from the many that believe they are in a similar boat, there are just as many people that question if ADD even exist at all.
     I am a firm believer in "to each his own" but for the fun of it I'd like to give some examples of what my life is like and has been like for years.
I once lost my keys two minutes after walking in the door. I had only gone two or three places when I walked inside with a handful of things. Nothing else was missing. Lots if people loose their keys, but it doesn't take most people three days to find them. I thought my husband was going to kill me.

I have scrapbooks for both of my children. My daughter's scrapbook stops at her third birthday, and my son's scrapbook stops at his third month. My daughter is now 8 and my son is almost 6.
I have started seven blogs in two years - 6 of which have bored me after a week but I think I finally have it this time!

I am adamant about changing the job I have held for seventeen years. So adamant about it that in the past year I visited three schools, and actually went back to school for Facials and Spa Treatment for three months. Sadly it was the money that forced me out of that one but I'm still looking for something new as well as trying to save up, yeah right, so I can go back to school.

Throughout my childhood (13-18) I started at least 25 novels and made it about halfway through, most of them having over eighty pages.  Moving on to my early adult age (19-30) I started about 15 more novels all of which have anywhere between twenty-five and one hundred pages, throw in seven screenplays (another whim) all half finished and you have those eleven years of my wannabe a writer career.  I took a long break when my children arrived.

Over the past three years I have started three new novels, one of which is done except for major editing, and two of which are almost ready for editing.  All three have over three hundred and forty pages.  Aside from those I have also picked up ones from years past and added anywhere from twenty to one hundred pages.

I need alarms to remind me to look at the gigantic calendar hanging in my kitchen.  In fact I need alarms to remind me to write things on the giant calendar in my kitchen.

My work office is full of yellow sticky notes, some of which don't even make sense and other that are from a year ago and still in a list of things to do pile.

No one at work is allowed to put important things on my desk, and it's not even my rule.

This is a first draft list and I do plan to add to it as I remember more crazy ADD related things that I do.

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